
Hello there, 
    I'm Brandi. I am 21 years old, a senior in college, & studying communications and marketing. I am from a super small town in North Carolina and hope to one day end up in a big city working for a broadcasting company. Along with pinching pennies, I love to experiment with arts and crafts, spend time with animals, take photographs, and play lacrosse. I'm a real busy body and can't stand being bored. Family means everything to me and my mom is a huge inspiration for my blog. Speaking of my mom...
She has raised me to be a penny pincher from birth, basically. After I was born, my mom saved every penny should could to buy me what I needed (and my sister too, when she was born 3 years later). Even though my mom had money to spend on my sister and I- she wasn't going to let any of it go to waste. My mom knew the best consignment shops, the cheapest grocery stores, and which newspaper had the best coupons. I learned at a very young age, that whenever I walk into a store (especially a department store) to go straight to the back, because that is where all the sale items are located. 

My mom loves to tell the story that whenever I was younger, her sister-in-law (my aunt) was a photographer at a studio in Sears. Instead of buying fancy outfits for photo sessions, my aunt and my mom would grab clothes off of the rack for me to wear in a photo and then put the clothes right back on the hanger and rack that they came from. 

An example of an outfit that I never owned.

Obviously, I don't use tricks like that any more. But I have learned from my mom that I should never spend a lot of money on something I will only wear once or twice. Most of the pointers that I share on this blog are things that I have learned from my mom. There are some things that I learned myself in college, but without my mom-  I know that I wouldn't be nearly the penny pincher that I am today.

Now I feel that it is my turn to pass on my knowledge of penny pinching. Before starting this blog, I was sharing my pointers with my boyfriend. He has way more clothes than me, but I must give him credit, because the majority of his clothes are from Goodwill. After he got the hang of the whole penny pinching thing, I started taking his roommates thrift shopping and eventually his siblings as well.

Now, with this blog- I have the opportunity to share my pointers with the World. My wish is that at least one of my pointers can help at least one person pinch some pennies. Enjoy my posts and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh about the dresses the dresses at Sears. Your Mom is creative. I'd have never have thought to do that.
