Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time For a Guest Post! Reece Shares Her Love For rue21

When I was asked to do a guest post for Brandi’s blog, Pointers from a Penny Pincher I was very excited, not only because she is a wonderful person but because her blog is about saving money when shopping and finding great deals, and that’s something I personally love to do when I go shopping as well. 

What’s so great about rue21?

I personally love to shop at rue21 because they have great deals on everything. Every time I go to rue21 I never leave empty handed because I always find something cute, but at a very reasonable price. One time I walked out of the store with a dress that only cost me $3. Clearance, yes, they have a great clearance section, don’t be afraid to check it out because usually that’s where all the good findings are- trust me. Another great thing about rue21 is that they not only sell great clothes for women but for men as well.  They also sell jewelry, shoes, hats, perfume etc. all at good prices.

Here are a few dresses and tops that I purchased from rue21 and none of them cost over $7.  
       Here are some earrings, necklaces and rings that I have purchased at rue21 all for great deals.

Online shopping at rue21

Yes, they even have online shopping at rue21 you can check out all their great deals, so if you like to do all you’re shopping online go check them out and find some great deals without even going to the store. 


Thank you so much for your post, Reece. I love your style and you always have the best tips for saving money- especially on beauty products. Your blog, Beauty Tips on a College Budget is one of my absolute favorites.

1 comment:

  1. I love your layout and your blog and also I love rue 21 :)
